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Rudyard Kipling

" “When you're left wounded on
Afganistan's plains and

the women come out to cut up what remains,
Just roll to your rifle

and blow out your brains,
And go to your God like a soldier”
General Douglas MacArthur

" “We are not retreating. We are advancing in another direction.”

“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it.”
“Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.
“The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace,
for he must suffer and be the deepest wounds and scars of war.”
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't .”
“The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his.

“Nobody ever defended, there is only attack and attack and attack some more.
“It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died.
Rather we should thank God that such men lived.
The Soldier stood and faced God
Which must always come to pass
He hoped his shoes were shining
Just as bright as his brass
"Step forward you Soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?"
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't
Because those of us who carry guns
Can't always be a saint."
I've had to work on Sundays
And at times my talk was tough,
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny
That wasn't mine to keep.
Though I worked a lot of overtime
When the bills got just too steep,
The Soldier squared his shoulders and said
And I never passed a cry for help
Though at times I shook with fear,
And sometimes, God forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around
Except to calm their fears.
If you've a place for me here,
Lord, It needn't be so grand,
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."
There was silence all around the throne
Where the saints had often trod
As the Soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you Soldier,
You've borne your burden well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."

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Gonzales Lasak From Kampung Bonggor In Perak To Batu Melintang In Kelantan - The CO of 7th Rangers was 50 years old
Friday, July 26, 2024
For Illustrative Purposes Only Similar To Ranger Lim See Meng

After that returned to Kota Bahru, Kelantan for more operations and more training. Some General woke up on the wrong side of the bed or had a shitty brainwave. He wanted soldiers to walk cross-country. If we forced that General to walk at gunpoint, he would have probably collapsed.

When we did the infamous Gonzales Lasak from Kampong Bonggor in Gerik to Batu Melintang in Kelantan which was 122 Km by road. The distance on the map was as the crow flies is 80 clicks. The Infantry is all terrain; we had to cross country, except at the lake in Banding we used the bridge. We were supposed to start the walk at 0800 hours to be released by a General.

That fuckwit arrived at 1100 hours by helicopter. By the time he had his tea and the normal bovine manure, it was precisely 1200 hours that the walk started. All the soldiers and support elements were carrying eight days of combat rations,1st line ammo and two hand grenades, all the Rangers had to carry a 60 mm mortar round.

Just barely 20 minutes into the walk, I was informed that a soldier had collapsed! Shit and double shit, I swore we had barely started. Since I was made responsible for stragglers and others, I went with my batman and one of my UCIS boys who was with a first aid bag. Apparently, the heat got to him, thanks to the fuckwit of a General, who had the luxury of not adhering to punctuality just because he was a General.

These idiots do not love their soldiers. If you want to lead soldiers, you must first love them. Most Officers do not get that simple rule. Especially fuckwit Generals who are so full of themselves, with sycophants fawning over them, with the exception of a few. Anyway, I pulled that soldier aside who was from the Engineers, told him to rest.

Suddenly an Engineer’s Corporal came up to me, I recognized him we were in the same Troop, a Corporal Jaafar. I told the good Corporal not to wait up and join his boys. The Sapper who collapsed I said we would accompany him until he has recovered fully. I just chatted with the Corporal, the Sapper recovered; Jaafar thanked me and gave me a smart salute, as he was very happy for me that I had become an Officer.

I returned a very smart salute to him. I was made to be the sweeper along with my UCIS boys, coming at the rear of battalion column. I reined in 2nd Lt Ivan Lee Synn Leng to keep me company, as it was very lonely at the rear of a 500 men column. I also picked him for the fact that he led the Battalion Speed March team to be champions in the 8th Brigade Speed March competition. Lt Col GE Simon was still commanding.

I assigned two of my toughest and fittest boys from the UCIS, Ranger Nagarajah and Ranger Shamsuddin to assist my CO who was fifty plus years old years old, born in 1934. I guess after the Raub incident he had  full confidence in me. A soldier who joins the Army at 18 years of age pensions off at the age of 39. He had to keep up with soldiers much younger than him, it is tough on him. Nowadays CO's who are barely 40 years old can hardly move, as some of them are built like main battle tanks.

Once or twice during the walk when I came to the end of my tether I struck them with my rifle butt on their packs as they just refused to walk. There was one Officer who had a brain wave, he told us in the Officers Mess that he was going to carry a big tin of Quaker Oats. Along with his batman who was an Orang Asli. I told him, “Man, do not do that. You will get sick of the oats.”

I saw him late in the afternoon at a stream with others; his batman was nowhere to be seen. He asked me, “Swami, do you have any food to spare?” Ivan was there, “Whatever happened to your Quaker Oats?” We all burst out laughing at him. His response was “come on guys, have a heart”. I told him to shut up and sit down, I told him of course we would share with you, told my batman to cook extra food.

On an operation in Gua Musang this same officer had to be evacuated, as there was leech attached to the white of his eye! He slept like a log, realized that only when he woke up. . I recall one Infantry unit that was walking that route after us. A soldier after listening to all the horror stories, decided to take matters into his own hands. He shot himself in the leg to avoid that walk.

He miscalculated; the round came out through his hip. I met him when I was a duty officer at the USM Hospital, Kubang Kerian. There was a huge gaping hollow in his hip, apparently the round took off part of his hip too, it was the exit of the round. I saw my former batman Lim See Meng, he was limping, I asked him what was wrong with his leg. He sat beside the road and removed his boots.

The heels of his right foot had a huge surface removed. I myself felt the pain when I saw that. The image above explains the condition of my soldier, Ranger Lim See Meng. Why should I not get angry with those who were responsible for this? Yep, Generals get a free pass.

Not to worry many curses too! We broke the army record It took us 7 days 7 hours, where we broke the Army record, 2nd Lt Wong Heng Ging was map reading for us at the head of the column, he was bloody efficient, this time he did NOT carry any stouts. 122 Km - Distance from Gerik to Batu Melintang.

More in my book when published, I have no idea when?
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:09 PM   0 comments
A Tick In The Glans (Penis) Of My Soldier - The Perils Of The Jungle
Thursday, July 25, 2024

After the resupply, I saw break from uphill at the file of us moving, there was a break, which I am averse to. I asked the guy behind me what was holding them up. He later got a reply that one of the new boys had collapsed. “What the fuck!” I said it is barely two hours of walking.

I had a gut feeling that something was not right. I left 4 of my team behind with our packs with my very able Ranger Lim See Meng. Told them to stay in all round defense and to wait for us to come back. Come back we will. The boys with me told them to move only with their patrol packs. I walked at a brisk pace for more than an hour, I saw the new boy Ranger Khairy on the ground foaming at the mouth.

Around Lembah Klau, there are durian orchards, where the farmers place poisoned durians on the ground for wild boars which are pests. The poisoned durian is marked with a red plastic string wrapped around it. I approached Ranger Khairy and asked him if he ate the durian, he nodded his head in the affirmative. I asked Corporal Rahman to prepare a litter. We were still in a rubber plantation; it would be difficult to get straight branches. Corporal Rahman was not fazed.

He climbed up a rubber tree and got the necessary branches to construct the litter. It was done in half an hour. I told the boys we need to rush, as Khairy was not responding and passed out. I took one side of the litter and started walking. It was uphill and downhill, I did not allow anyone to rest even though some of them begged to have a breather. I made them realize the urgency of my actions. I told them that no time must be wasted, as it is a matter of life and death, Khairy’s.

I felt the skin on my shoulder enduring the friction of the litter, burning; apparently, my skin was being bruised at that time. I did not feel it at all. They begged for a rest, I refused and told them to switch sides. We reached the rendezvous just as two three quarter ton Volvo trucks were roaring uphill. The doctor a turbaned Sikh jumped out and examined Khairy, he started giving instructions, gave Khairy a jab and put him on a drip. Until today the scar is still there as a reminder on my shoulder.

We had not have our dinner we had been walking for four plus hours. Khairy was safely sped off. The return journey was exhausting. After a solid plodding, we reached the spot where we left four of our soldiers. They were nowhere to be seen. I heard a sound; there they were on a huge rock elevated, pointing their rifles at our group, well hidden. I was relieved. Bloody happy to see them.

I asked them whether they had eaten. The answer was negative. I told them to break out the resupplied rations and eat the biscuits for dinner. Which they were glad to do. I too stuffed my face. I slept that night peacefully and woke up on time for my sentry duty. In the morning my soldier, Ranger Ludin came up to me. A young soldier, he looked at me sheepishly and looked very shy. What is it you want, I asked him? “Sir could you please look at my glans (the head of the penis)”?

I opened my mouth nearly laughing, “Why do you ask me of this? I might go blind looking at yours”. “Sir, it is very painful”. “Okay take it out.” He unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his wiener pulled back his foreskin and showed me his glans. Embedded in his glans was a tick, half the body of the tick was buried inside. I purposely took out my lighter and flicked it. He moved backwards and said, “Sir, I am not married.”

I laughed and told him that I am not that stupid. Took out my emergency medicated oil from my first aid kit, dropped a drop on the tick. Called him closer to me, gripped his penis and gripped the body of the tick and pulled, luckily the whole tick came out. He told me, that it was very painful with the tick inside, sharp pains shooting up. In the jungle, it happens to almost all.

Once in the morning I had a feeling in my scrotum, like all men we feel the scrotal area in the mornings, which is a natural thing, I felt a bump on that area, as I pressed I felt a sharp pain shoot up. Every time I moved my fingers over the bump, the pain shot up. In the jungle with an average number of less than ten men, you are spoilt for choices for who can look at your balls! I had my Corporal look at my scrotum; he told me that there was a tick (kutu babi). Told him to pull out the tick, which was embedded very comfortably, in my scrotum.

It was very painful, when he was pulling it out with tweezers, he pulled it out completely.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:26 PM   0 comments
Good Old SLR 7.62 Defeats Houthi Sea Drone
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:57 PM   0 comments
‘Knows she can’t win’: Barack Obama withholds endorsement of Kamala Harris

Former US President Barack Obama has continued to withhold his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris. A Biden family insider revealed to the New York Post that Obama’s decision came because he believes Harris cannot beat Trump.

Following US President Joe Biden’s announcement he was not running for re-election, he immediately endorsed Vice President Harris. Chuck Schumer and the Clintons followed suit, endorsing the 59-year-old as the Democratic presidential nominee. Former president Obama, however, remained silent and chose not to endorse the former prosecutor.

“Obama’s very upset because he knows she can’t win,” a source said.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:32 PM   0 comments
Donating money, one hundred million, for terrorism is okay but receiving money for education is apparently a serious taboo.
Via WhatsApp : Nurturing and strengthening terrorists to keeping the world under their clutches is welcome but not providing funds for children to study and serve the world for a better future. Why do we need eyes and brain if we can't see well and think better? Nothing is good looking nor looking good.

So, what is the real issue that triggered Akmal. And his likes. Just wondering why is this political creature still in Umno and not in PAS. Was it because a Muslim deputy minister receiving a styrofoam mock cheque of RM3 Million from a brewer, on behalf of a Type C school?

May be if KK Mart had given the big mouth a real cheque for 1M, he would have zipped his. And no more noise for about a decade. The taxes from gambling, pig-rearing industry, breweries, etc are also given to Muslim staffs in the LHDN. And the Lembaga's head who manages all taxes is a Muslim. That is okay?

These funds are used for every purpose and benefits the Muslims, including civil service salaries, perks and pensions. In fact, more to them. That is okay and needs no noises from PAS and pseudo-pas? I took my first six years of education in a missionary school with weekly chapel service and one exam-ed subject "Religious Knowledge" which was nothing but christian propaganda.

I did not become a Christian at any point of my life. In the Sepang school, and probably many other schools, money are being donated, especially the business community and well-wishers who think education is the best foundation of civilisation. If the government had been providing enough for the type C and T schools, there would not have been any need for other donations from the public. So, why the jealousy when the Tiger brewery provided some cash.

Isn't that also part of their Corporate Social Responsibility? If the politicians with skewed mind think such donation would make children to negatively become drinkers, what about those from national schools funded solely from government who end up as drinkers and alcoholics? And some of the drinkers are not the Nons.

(This is why a group wanted 24-hours convenient stores not to sell beers, mainly in 'their' residential areas) And what about donations from employees of gambling outlets, of breweries, pork sellers, and other deemed Haram sources. Their earnings also circulate in the Malaysian economy. That is okay?

Imagine a staff working in Sports Toto bring denied service at Satay Kajang! Why is duty free shoppes allowed in KLIA, because the government gets no sin taxes? But aren't rentals and salaries paid with profit from sinful business. KLIA is a national identity of the country and therefore need to reflect the country's culture of being sin-free. No?

The more these big mouths make noise, not only their hypocrisies are being exposed but more their imbecility. Islamists are not Economists. So high time they come to power for the majority to realize that their choice was a mistake.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:13 PM   0 comments
Enflaming brewery donations par for the course for PAS By R Nadeswaran

An Extremist Goat From The Party Of Intolerants

Malaysiakini : COMMENT | The federal government collected RM4.5 billion from gambling taxes between May 2018 and September 2019.

These figures were not picked from thin air. Then Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng said in a written parliamentary reply that the sin tax — imposed on tobacco, alcohol, and gambling — was also collected from tobacco products worth RM4.4 billion and RM3.6 billion from alcohol sales.

Two months later, the Pakatan Harapan government fell, and the backdoor government was in place, but the sin tax remained a hot potato as there were some religious bigots on the front bench. In November 2021, when current Human Resources Minister Steven Sim Chee Keong was then sitting in the opposition bench as the Bukit Mertajam MP, asked:

“Does the government plan to separate the tax revenue from alcohol and gambling – known as the sin tax – from the consolidated fund to be used for the development of non-Muslims?” Such a question arose after the PAS-led Kedah state government ordered all local councils in the state to ban lottery gaming outlets, followed by the ban on the sale of liquor in sundry, retail, and Chinese medicine shops in Kuala Lumpur.

Then deputy finance minister II Yamani Hafez Musa said PAS was concerned about this “sinful money” being used for Muslim people and the development of Islam. However, he said all revenue from excise taxes - on hard liquor, tobacco products, cars, and so on - was added to the government’s consolidated fund.

In addressing the issue, I wrote: “Ordinarily, a country cannot have a dual taxation system – one for all and sundry, and another for goods and services not acceptable to one section of the population. “But considering how the Keluarga Malaysia concept has meandered to benefit just one community and the noises it makes against arak and judi (alcohol and gambling), it certainly needs serious attention.

“But will those righteous people who continue to impose their values on others and trample rights tell the government to segregate the sin tax?”

Commenting has been disabled for this story : Its not just the casinos and breweries The Chinese are the majority taxpayers. So, almost everything is funded by people who eat pork and drink beer Pubs, beer sellers, pork sellers, pork restaurants....they all pay taxes. These politicians are greedy for the Chinese money...but also want to condemn them as dirty?

Read the article in full here......

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:12 PM   0 comments
Moment 'masked knifeman' is arrested after lieutenant colonel was stabbed '12 times with 10-inch blade' in 20-second rampage outside Kent barracks - before attacker licked blood off his blade
Terrorists in the UK

Daily Mail : This is the moment a man suspected of stabbing a lieutenant colonel multiple times in broad daylight is arrested by police just a few minutes from the scene of the attack.

The unnamed soldier in his 40s was set upon in what appeared to have been an unprovoked attack by an assailant wielding two kitchen knives 200 yards from Brompton Barracks in Gillingham shortly before 6pm on Tuesday. He is thought to have been stabbed as many as 12 times over the course of around 20 seconds, and was attacked again as he staggered back to his house.

Locals described hearing 'blood-curdling screams' during the savage assault. Ring doorbell footage from a local resident captures a woman screaming hysterically: 'What the f*** are you doing?', 'F****** hell' and 'Somebody call 999'. Witnesses to the attack say the knifeman held up one of the bloodied weapons and licked it in front of terrified locals who had rushed out of their homes to help the serviceman.

Eyewitnesses say the alleged attacker, wearing a ski mask and NASA bomber jacket, fled on a red moped. Half an hour later, locals on Mooring Road described seeing a man being arrested by police who leapt from an unmarked vehicle to handcuff him. The attack is not being treated as an act of terror, with police instead saying they are 'exploring the possibility it may be mental health-related'.

Police say they arrested a 24-year-old local man on suspicion of attempted murder, seizing a 'number of knives'. The officer was airlifted to hospital, where he remains in a serious but stable condition.

Read it all here.....
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 2:10 PM   0 comments
Tucker Carlson : WOW, this is Really Taking Place
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Dingbat is anti-personnel mine. The British produce them. Let's inflate our way to prosperity. Cheers!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:49 PM   0 comments
“Staged Incompetence” - Was Trump's Assassination Attempt An INSIDE Job by Secret Service?

Patrick Bet-David discussed Chris Martenson's analysis, which suggested multiple shooters at a Trump rally based on forensic audio, raising questions about media coverage and the investigation's thoroughness.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:40 PM   0 comments
"Truth About Willie Brown and Kamala Harris, and How She Got Her Political Start" - She slept her way to power

Megyn Kelly is joined by Charlie Spiering, author of "Amateur Hour," to discuss why it's fair game to question how Kamala Harris got her start in politics involving her relationship with Willie Brown, her early work in San Francisco, the talking point about her being a tough prosecutor, and more.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 3:11 PM   0 comments
Trump BREAKS Internet With Hysterical New Ad TORCHING Kamala After Biden QUITS in Disgrace! Genius
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Kamala A Flossie For Baldy

Donald Trump's team wasted no time with these ads - SAVAGE. Having Soros as a backer should immediately disqualify Harris. Just tell all black people what she did with putting them in jail for small misdemeanors and keeping them there for cheap labor. Make an ad and blast it all over!!!!

Let’s not forget she lobbied for bail money for BLM rioters. This lady only got 1 percent of the vote in her on state. Who wants a laughing Hyena as president.Go Trump we know you will put our country and its people first. She's horrible. Destroyed our country and economy and borders.

You can see the guy who was banging her in this clip - A Baldy!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 6:53 PM   0 comments
MSNBC’s ‘lefty clown show’ host freaks out after Joe Biden drops out
Alamak (Spelt Backwards)

Sky News host Danica De Giorgio has reacted to mainstream media erupting following US President Joe Biden dropping out of the 2024 presidential race.

The news of Biden officially ending his bid for re-election after ongoing mounting pressure for him to drop out has left mainstream media outlets like MSNBC and CNN having a full-blown meltdown. “The lefty hosts' clown show meltdown continues and a warning…there are tears,” Ms De Giorgio.

Oh my God, this woman is president? She's such a phony. There she goes again with her new word of the day/phrase of the week. She really thinks she's being philosophical and is quite proud of herself. I wish she would find a new hobby, for the sake of America's sanity if nothing else.

Lord have mercy!
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:37 PM   0 comments
The Trial and Downfall of the Knights Templar | full documentary - 1263-1314

The Templars stand on the walls of their final great stronghold, and defend it against the attack of a massive Mamluk army. 1314, the last Grand Master of the Templars, Jacques de Molay, is bound to a stake at Paris.

But before he burns, the Grand Master pronounces a curse, that God will avenge his wrongful death. This is the history of the final struggles of the Knights Templar. What led to the French king’s arrest of the Knights Templar? Once these men had been the King’s close allies, why did he suddenly decide to have them all destroyed? And what is the truth of the matter? Were the Templars heretics, blasphemers? Or were they wrongfully accused?

Today on Real Crusades History, we’ll explore the final battles of the Knights Templar, followed by their trial and destruction in France under the power of King Philip IV.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:03 PM   0 comments
How Trump Attempted Assassination Happened? Detail Timeline

Secret Service is so secret that they don't even know what they are supposed to be doing. You forgot the part where the secret service agent had the suspect in his sight for 3-5 minutes before he started shooting but the upper brass wouldn’t give him the go to take him out.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:54 PM   0 comments
‘The Five’: Secret Service director takes a ‘serious beating’ on Capitol Hill
Zero accountability from this administration about anything. This administration doesn’t hold anyone accountable. If she doesn’t resign or get fired none of it matters. Fact is a man is dead because she’s incompetent.

It is NOT “incompetence” it’s CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE! She shouldn't have a choice to resign. Fire her immediately or place her against a wall and fire at her at will, treason. That's the penalty for treason???

They are throwing her under the bus to keep her mouth shut but staying in charge regardless to continue covering up. 9 days passed and she doesn't know anything.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:22 PM   0 comments
Secret Service Director Asked To Compare Agent Allocation For Jill Biden Event & Trump Butler Rally

At today's House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. William Timmons (R-SC) questioned Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle about the assassination attempt on former President Trump. We need to treat both Cheatle and Wray the same way. Throw them in jail for contempt of Congress.

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:07 PM   0 comments
Is This a Joke? Kamala May NOT Be Democrat Nominee! - Another Shoe To Drop?
Monday, July 22, 2024

Has anyone told Joe Biden he isn't running for president any longer? The script writers are working in overtime for this season. Democrats: "We have to circumvent democracy to save democracy from Donald Trump"
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:06 PM   0 comments
‘They lied to you’: Sky News host exposes Democrats as Biden withdraws from race

Sky News host Gabriella Power has slammed senior Democratic figures for "lying" to the American people in the months leading up to the presidential election.

Ms Power called out former President Barack Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for "lying" about Joe Biden’s ability to serve another term. “How is it, that outlets like Sky News Australia - not CNN - were able to call out Biden’s mental decline, years ago?” Ms Power asked. Ms Power also flagged concerns that Joe Biden will hold on to his position as leader until a new president is sworn in.

“America will continue to have a leader, who’s mental state is in rapid decline,” Ms Power said.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:28 PM   0 comments
Byron Donalds DESTROYED Bill Maher - Audience TURNS On Him After INSANE Take On Trump Assassination

Byron Donalds DESTROYED Bill Maher - Audience TURNS On Him After INSANE Take On Trump Assassination - Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show sometimes says some crazy things that make zero sense like Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show usually does.

Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show is continuing to say the crazy things like Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show does on the Bill Maher show. Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show has decided to minimize the seriousness of the assassination attempt of Trump like Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show would and Bill Maher of the Bill Maher show did not get a favorable response to that on the Bill Maher show.

Byron is as cool as a cucumber man. The one thing I like about Republicans or people from the Right is that they use logic when they enter into a discourse.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:16 PM   0 comments
Bye Biden: President Biden DROPS OUT of Presidential Race - LIVE Coverage From The Megyn Kelly Show

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:49 PM   0 comments
Candace Owens Exposes Trump Assassination Attempt

She doesn't need to resign, she needs to be fired and thrown in prison! She and Mayorkas should be charged, period. There is no accountability in this administration.

The ones that denied him, needs to be investigated!!!!!! What is far more believable is that the Secret Service was ordered to allow the incident. Not that they participated, but were ordered to ignore. She should've been dragged into the Oval Office that evening & told there's zero excuse for what just happened & fired on the spot! Then she should've been marched out on live TV & admit that she is incompetent & unqualified for that job.

It's not ineptitude. It's intentional. They don't need to resign. They don't need to be fired. They need to go to prison.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:44 PM   0 comments
The Cause and the Calling: The Crusades

Finally Islam and it's victim card exposed.

The crusades were launched after 7 centuries of the constant islamic aggression's, muslim had invaded the following Christian lands : Christian Syria, Christian Libya, Christian Palestine, Christian Algeria, Christian Egypt, Christian Libya, Christian Morocco, Christian Portugal, Christian Spain, Christian France, Christian Sicily, Christian Turkey, Christian Armenia, Christian Italy, all before the Crusades. Now still trying to conquer the West and Asia as Immigrants

They had been doing these for hundreds of years by killing millions. 
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 4:24 PM   0 comments
Trump UNLEASHES BRUTAL TRUTH Campaign Ads Against Kamala Harris IMMEDIATELY After Biden DROPS OUT!

Black women who blindly go to bat for a politician who once ran on being the first Indian woman in congress is embarrassing and pathetic. Please do not let Kamala Harris spend one second as president of these United States. She’s a hot mess who should no longer be in politics anywhere. Amen.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 10:18 AM   0 comments
Joe Biden drops out of the race by writing a letter

Get ready for a Hunter pardon. Geez ! Talk about someone that really should be in prison. I think they should hold the Democratic national convention at the BORDER!! Where Kamala said it's very safe. We are all at risk if he stays in till Jan. Hunter & Jill will be his advisors. We are in deep trouble America.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 10:10 AM   0 comments
Democrats And Black Liberals BREAK DOWN IN TEARS LIVE ON AIR Over Joe Biden Dropping Out 2024 Race!
Pathetic Nigga Van Jones and Dyke Rachel Madcow

The Lying Liberal Van Jones says he does not know much about politics. The spokes people of Communist Negro Network (CNN) are melting down. Liberal tears are sweet. Who did away with democracy, the Democrats forcing Jow Biden an elected President to step down, not Donald Trump like what the people with The Trump Derangement Syndrome including Rachel Madcow say!

These liberals are a joke! I'm still scratching my head, what has Joe Biden done in 50 years for people to be crying over? I’ve run out of cups for all the liberal tears for the worst President in US history. Trump 2024!! As a grown man, I can not respect another grown man crying on national television.

Unless they're crying about a tragedy in their family. Those dudes are suckas. He is still president. This is NOT selfless. This is pathetic that it took this long. He should resign. You just admitted he should not be driving (should not be President). The World is falling apart. The US is dying.

Look what we have been reduced to in America as black men. Van Jones is pathetic.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:57 AM   0 comments
Will Teoh Beng Hock be a reckoning for MACC? By Commander S THAYAPARAN (Retired) Royal Malaysian Navy

Sando : We all know who's the person most likely responsible for TBH's demise. Got promoted real fast. Now a Director in MACC.

Malaysiakini : “There is ample circumstantial evidence and we agree the proper verdict should be the death of Teoh is due to a fall as a result of or accelerated by a person or persons, including MACC.” - Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof (2014)

COMMENT | The indictment against the MACC for the death of Teoh Beng Hock did not come from the political class, the public or even the activist class but rather from the judicial branch in 2014.

As Teoh’s younger sister Lee Lan said at the time: “Now it is clear the court, in its final decision, says that the death is caused by unlawful acts of person or persons, including the MACC.

“His death is not due to suicide. We want the IGP (inspector-general of police) and AG (attorney-general) to reopen investigations to this case and charge those responsible.”

Teoh’s death has always been racialised even though to their credit, Pakatan Harapan political operatives, specifically DAP, have always attempted to play it straight. But of course, this did nothing for the propagandist of the establishment at the time from stirring racial embers.

At the height of the media coverage of the death of Teoh, then-New Straits Times group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Isa wrote an op-ed piece in Berita Harian which suggested there was an “agenda to discredit government institutions like the judiciary, police and MACC”.

The institutions, he added, were staffed predominantly by Malays. He alleged that some Selangor Pakatan Rakyat politicians had attributed the recent probe into them as being racially motivated. He also asked why the Selangor menteri besar, who is also a Malay, doubted the ability of his own people to act fairly.

Read it all here....

posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 9:35 AM   0 comments
The Day I Got Back Stabbed By Envious And Jealous MoFo's
Friday, July 19, 2024
Ivan and Me during one of the Mess Nights

There was war-gaming exercise, in Kuantan. The exercise was a board game. Where troop movement, support arms and locations are placed on a board. The main players are the Commanding Officers. We at the Battalion Headquarters plot all the activities on the map. Somedays there are so many action requirements we do not sleep a wink.

At that time, we had a young Officer who was a Captain, he was the Adjutant, he was my junior. During the exercise the operational part, I handled all of it. The Adjutant handled all the administrative issues. He is one of those “holy” teetotalers; do not like us who drink. I had not slept for nearly 3 days. The Adjutant was not one who was deprived of sleep.

Whenever the CO came back to rest. I briefed him on troop locations and casualties. Normally Lt Col Zulkapli will not sleep, as he enjoys staying awake and chatting. He likes my company. I stay awake with him until morning; normally he goes to sleep around 4 am. I have to finish checking the messages and contact reports (clashes with the enemy).

I shower and I normally go after which I have coffee and go around the perimeter. By the time I relax, it will be 7 am. I wait for my CO, if he is not up yet, I will have my breakfast. That morning at around 8 am, after I had just eaten my breakfast I saw a Land Rover coming towards the Battalion Tactical Headquarters which was a marquee tent.

It was displaying a single star, which meant that the 4th Brigade Commander was coming to visit. I decided to brief the General. I saluted the General and told him to take a seat, told him that the CO was in the washroom. I started briefing him, orientated him on the map and started relating troop movements and enemy locations.

Just then my CO came in saluting the General. The General invited my CO to sit beside him; your Operations Officer is very detailed. After that, they adjourned for coffee. My CO said, “Indian, why did you not wake me up earlier?” I told him that when I walked past his tent he was snoring like a throttled buffalo. Which he normally accuses me of.

I just did not want to disturb him since when I cannot handle Generals. Only I could speak like that to him. The General left, I told the CO, I needed to sleep. He told me to carry on. I saw a huge tree where there was one of our Infantry Fighting Vehicle parked, I took a camp bed and laid it beside the vehicle soon I was asleep,

Occasionally, hearing voices, ask Captain Swami to handle it, he is sleeping there. That was the voice of the Adjutant the “holy” MoFo, then I heard the voice of the CO say, “Let him sleep, you handle it”. The Adjutant had some senior cronies in MINDEF. That Adjutant started hating me for my drinking as well as the fact I could be so good with the CO.

One day there was a formal dinner, called a Mess Night where you wear formal mess kits. My wife attended with me after drinking the port and wine we were having coffee. The CO spoke, “Indian, do you know that you were about to be posted to the Task Force in Terengganu?”

I was shocked, I did not request that posting, why would I was in my home unit from the time of my commission. Apart from being away as OC Weapons Wing. “Did you know that your Adjutant without even having the courtesy of telling me had you posted out?”

I could see that the CO was very furious. Then he said “I called up MINDEF and had your posting cancelled. Instead the Adjutant will be leaving us soon”. There was a very shocked look on my wife’s face. I was seething with rage, against the dirty son of a bitch, whose parents were not married.

The dicks who were supposed to be your brother officers stabbed me in the back, because you are a hard worker and fulfilled the CO’s targets. Jealousy and envy always pushes the evil pricks with their cronies in MINDEF.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 8:06 PM   0 comments
Left media slammed for ‘inaccurate’ Trump assassination attempt reporting

Jack Houghton has criticised left-wing media outlets for their “inaccurate” or “watered-down” coverage in the minutes following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 7:34 PM   0 comments
Biden agrees to step down as Democratic nominee: Sources tell Mark Halperin

President Joe Biden has reportedly agreed to step down as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States as early as this weekend, sources tell political analyst Mark Halperin. Biden will also reportedly endorse an open convention, and not Vice President Kamala Harris.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 6:18 PM   0 comments
Media Worries About Making Trump a Hero By Talking About Assassination Attempt, with Matt Taibbi

Megyn Kelly is joined by Matt Taibbi, editor of "Racket News," to discuss the media’s ridiculous coverage and skepticism of Donald Trump’s ear and bandage post-assassination attempt, how they coined the term “photoganda” to discredit the iconic photos of Trump after the shooting, why the left doesn't like that Trump is getting positive attention for his bravery and courage, and more.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:15 PM   0 comments
2nd Lt Othman Bahadon Grappling With American Thieves In Somalia - 1994
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Illustrative Purpose Only

One night we were resting in our room, we are always undressed only in underwear, we laze around and bullshit one another. We while away our time telling jokes and relating events of the day. Our walkie-talkies (Motorola) are nearby getting charged, all the walkie-talkies are on the respective channels.

They are very handy means of communication. All officers move carrying them all the time, even when taking a dump. It is a necessity. They are placed under the bed for a quick reach. Our rifles are always nearby with full loaded magazines in them.

Suddenly I heard the radio cackle to life, hearing the voice of 2nd Lt Othman Bahadon, asking for help. “There are people breaking into the PX, I have stopped them, help!” Othman is small sized and very much doubted him overcoming anyone. He had the heart of a tiger, though.


I quickly strapped on my web-belt with my HKP9S, virtually jumped into my boots, the HK had 9 round of 9mm ball rounds. On me I had a spare magazine too. Captain Ivan in his underwear grabbed his M4A1 jumped into his boots too. We knew the location where Othman was. We raced running to where 2nd Lt Othman was, behind us following was Major Christopher Joseph, he was one up on us.

He was wearing his white underwear and a Kevlar helmet along with his M4A1, he cocked his rifle on the run, Ivan did the same. We reached where Othman was. I saw that Othman had his rifle slung over his shoulder wearing only his towel to cover his modesty; apparently, he went down to take his shower.

I saw him struggling with three Black Americans (did not know at that time) from the Brown & Root UN contractors. They towered over him. I went in hard grabbed one of them pushed him away from Othman, Ivan placed the barrel of the rifle against one of them so did Major Christopher.

The black guy I grabbed, I jammed the pistol in his mouth and said, “Go ahead make it my day.” I had always wanted to do a “Clint Eastwood”. He lifted his hands in abject surrender.

One of the American who was under Ivan’s control said, “Go easy man, go easy”. Major Christopher asked Othman if he was okay, Othman whose face was clearly written with relief answered in the affirmative. I heard the sounds of many boots running towards us.

It was part of the defense platoon at that time commanded by a Duty Officer from the Ordnance Corps. They were pointing the rifles at the three men. Suddenly I felt sheepish and embarrassed; we told the Officer to take over and made ourselves scarce.

We the Infantry officers in underwear were bloody amusing to look at. I looked at Major Christopher in his underwear and only wearing a helmet, Ivan and I burst out laughing. He too was amused. The perpetrators were handed over to the Nigerian Military Police.

In the morning, the US Green Berets who were attached to us for providing fire support informed us that they were employees of Brown Root. For Othman it was an experience he came off a better and experienced Officer, as he came with directly from RMC.

The Green Berets were with Major Christopher to provide Apache Helicopter, AC130 Specter and Self Propelled fire support for us if ever we were in a world of shit.
posted by Major D Swami (Retired) @ 5:41 PM   0 comments

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